Hello everyone! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and that most of you avoided the floods and power failures...and to those who didn't escape, hope you have a good 2014! We are missing our walks by the sea but planning is going ahead. I had a lovely book for Christmas about the coastal walk with lovely pictures...although I do think some of mine aren't bad!
In Wales we had a white Christmas - an icing sugar covering on Christmas Day. Luckily it didn't stay very long! And we have been trying to keep fit with some good walks in the Radnor Forest. Here was the Whimble view yesterday...
Not sure when the next walk will be exactly yet but we plan to have 18 more - 3 of which will be 5 day events. You can guess our holidays next year! Can't wait.
Great news to report is that with the help of Nigel, our friendly landlord in the Radnor Arms, probably the greatest pub in the world, we counted the money from the collection tin which Chris has manfully carried for 328 miles now. And....the total amount in there was £208.30!!!!
I have already "declared" £98.70 of this on the justgiving page as offline donations from those who have given me their donation so that means there was another £109.60 from people who contributed over the walks. So pleased and thank you all so much for your support. I know Velindre are very grateful too and I am just happy to try to help them.
Take care everyone and have a good New Year celebration and here's to a happy, healthy, peaceful 2014 for you all!